

Manage gorse, scrub and invasive weeds on your land cost-effectively with Banks Contractors’ expert excavator mulching services. Providing quality mulching services and land cleanups right across the Western Bay of Plenty, our large excavator mounted mulcher makes quick, economical work of unwanted vegetation.

Blackberry, gorse, woolly nightshade (tobacco weed), privet, toe toe and pampas (cutty) grasses, rushes, wattle, wilding pines, long overgrown grass, bamboo, phoenix palms, even avocado trees or pruning’s are no match for our machinery. We can also get your overgrown shelter belts into shape so a shelter belt trimmer can manage trimming it again.

A powerful tool for your land clean up

In the past, land clearing often relied on spraying and burning but excavator mulching is a much more efficient and cost-effective method. Gorse seeds will lie dormant in soil for years and burning helps them germinate, which causes regrowth. Spraying can be expensive, time consuming and ecologically harmful, which is why we recommend using our high-tech excavator mounted mulchers instead.

Our skilled operators can mulch 20cm easily, with the ability to mulch up to 110cm phoenix palm trunks. A set of Mighty Grips fitted to the tracks, and our excavator mounted mulcher can go a lot more places, particularly in steep tight areas that tractors can’t safely access, especially with 10 meters of reach. Excavator mounted mulchers are a force to be reckoned with.

Cleaning up land and vegetation fast

If you want it mulched and cleaned up, we can do it for you anywhere in the Western Bay of Plenty. Our excavator mounted mulcher fits into tight locations safely and we can position it easily and accurately, following contours and mulching around ponga or another specimen trees.

Our excavator mounted mulcher will leave a fine mulch layer over the mulched area and as the mulch breaks down, it’s found the bacteria in the composting mulch breaks down the gorse seed shell, which in turn stops much of the gorse regrowth.

Why mulching is the right solution

  • Mulching eliminates the need for burning or chemical herbicides
  • It enhances the appearance of the land and suppresses weed growth
  • The added organic matter improves the soil’s fertility and structure
  • Mulch helps conserve moisture, reducing the need for watering
  • It acts as insulation, protecting plant roots from temperature extremes
  • Gorse is a good nitrogen source and once mulched, grasses come away naturally

Whether you are clearing slash, trimming shelter belts, or clearing land for development our expert team and excavator mulcher are the right fit for the job.

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